HostedPCI – News/Blogs


How can 3DS 2.0 Help your Business

Back in 2018, Europe announced changes that would be coming to the e-commerce, card-not-present payment space. This change was referred to as Secure Customer Authentication (SCA) which described a multi-factor authentication process for all customer-initiated transactions that took place online. As this mandate developed we began to see a new 3D Secure process evolve in order to fill this new protocol.

purpose of Credentials on File

While credentials on file made its first appearance in 2018 in the Canadian market through Visa it was not adopted throughout the rest of the world or issuers until now. Over the last year, online merchants across Europe have seen an increase in security surrounding customer privacy. This focus has led to new changes within the payment industry, by implementing what is now known as Secure Customer Authentication.

What is Data Residency? Why is it necessary?

Over the last decade, our society has seen an increase in online organizations selling goods and services to consumers around the globe. Shopping online has become the new normal especially now with everyone working from home and being advised to remain at home with their families to prevent the spread of COVID-19....

Security of Customer’s Cardholder Data

COVID-19 has forced a lot of businesses big or small to rethink about the ways they interact with their customers. The brick and mortar retailers who had limited or no online presence are the most affected by this pandemic since they can no longer support....

Maintain PCI compliance from call centre

COVID-19 has rapidly changed a lot of things around the world. Nobody could have fathomed or prepared to deal with a pandemic of this size. Working from home has become the new normal for a lot of individuals and organizations which has come....

security requirements for PIN Entry

The PCI Software-Based PIN Entry on COTS (SPoC) Standard provides requirements for developing secure solutions that enable EMV contact and contactless transactions with PIN entry on the merchant’s consumer device using a secure PIN entry application in combination with a Secure Card Reader for PIN (SCRP).

Payment security for small businesses

Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has introduced a new payment security tool for small businesses. The payment security tool will protect the card data of PCI SSC customers.

5 updates from PCI SSC you need to know

The PCI P2PE standard has for sometime governed security requirements for technologies and services that organizations use for end-to-end encryption of cardholder data. The goal is to ensure that no sensitive cardholder data passes in unencrypted form through a merchant's point of sale system.

PCI issues new standards for contactless payments

The PCI Security Standards Council published a new data security standard that will let merchants accept contactless payments using commercial off-the-shelf mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets that utilize near field communications.…