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Payment Orchestration – A Game-Changer for your Business

In the dynamic world of modern commerce, managing payments can be a complex challenge. The need for a seamless, efficient, and secure payment system is paramount. That's where Payment Orchestration comes into play—a game-changing solution revolutionizing the way businesses handle transactions. Let's dive into the world of Payment Orchestration and how it can transform your business landscape.

Vulnerability in Apache Log4j library

This past Friday, a critical vulnerability in the Apache Log4j library was reported, the severity of this vulnerability was scaled at a level 10 out of 10. In the case of malicious exploitation of this vulnerability, it would leave an easy and open gate for an attacker to take full control over the system.

Major Amazon outage causes temporary internet frenzy

A major and unexpected outage in Amazon’s cloud computing network resulted in significant disruption to many businesses and services on Tuesday, Dec 7th. This outage impacted a large variety of businesses ranging from airline reservations, auto dealerships, payment applications, and streaming services.

Ransomware: Are you prepared?

With the increase in Ransomware attacks over the last year, it seems that’s all we read these days in the headlines. It was estimated that in 2020 the world saw a 150% increase in ransomware attacks and the trend has continued into and throughout 2021. Many businesses around the world are searching for advice on how to increase their security and reduce the threat of becoming the next victim of an attack.

Security Breach with Covid-19 Vaccine Portal

On Tuesday the OPP has announced that a government employee is one of the two people charged following an investigation into a security breach related to Ontario's COVID-19 immunization system.

TTC Cyber Breach

The Toronto Transit Commission was recently a target of a very large cyber breach which led to service shut down as well as compromised employee data. The ransomware attack was discovered by their IT team through unusual network activity, at that time the effect of the attack seemed very minimal but quickly took a turn by midday the next day.

University of Colorado victim of major Data Breach

The University of Colorado has recently had to reach out to thousands of students to advise them of an unfortunate data breach that has compromised personal information. According to sources, the breach occurred through unpatched software associated with Atlassian Corporation Plc

Visa to introduce Credentials on File in India

Back in August of last year, India was the victim of a major data breach which resulted in the exposure of data for 35 million consumers, since then the Reserve Bank of India has updated its guidelines to mandate tokenization through Indian Merchants.

iPhone 13 Pro iOS 15.0.2 Security Hacked

Every year the best hackers from all over China join a popular hacking event to showcase their best hacking capabilities. The event that goes by the name of Tianfu Cup, offers the opportunity for hackers to break into the latest devices and systems while using unique, never-seen methods.