Chase Account Updater

About Chase Account Updater:

Chase Account Updater has been integrated with HostedPCI since 2022. This service allows Merchants to Update the Credit Card data in their Vault which have been updated since.

Implemented Features:

Feature Level of Support
Dispatch Implemented
Fetch Implemented
Fetch File List Implemented

Authentication and Security Credentials: 

  • SFTP Username
  • SFTP Password
  • PGP Public Key
  • PGP Private Key
  • PGP Private Key Pass Phrase

Chase Account Updater API URL

https://api-[venue name]

Step 1 – Chase Account Updater  Dispatch Call

The first step of the Chase Account Updater Process. The step is making a dispatch call with the file in a specific format. Please take a look at a sample request Dispatch file.

sample of Dispatch File

Please make sure each line length is 121 (put empty space at the end)

Chase Acnt Upt Dispatch File

Dispatch call API Request sample:
apiType=pxyhpci&apiVersion=1.0.1&dispatchRequest.destFileName=PID.FILENAME.format&dispatchRequest.profileName=HPCI profileName&dispatchRequest.reqUserName=AccountUpdUsername&dispatchRequest.reqUserPwd=AccountUptPassword&dispatchRequest.requestMode=dispatch&userName=HPCIUsername&userPassKey=HPCIPasskey
dispatchRequest.destFileName The name of the Dispatch file. As per Chase the name should be: PID.fileID.extension
dispatchRequest.profileName Name of the Chase Account Updater Profile in the Merchant’s Venue.
dispatchRequest.reqUserName Chase Account Updater Dispatch Username.
dispatchRequest.reqUserPwd Chase Account Updater Dispatch Password.
dispatchRequest.requestMode dispatch | listfiles | fetch

Step 2 – Chase Account Updater List Files Call

This is the second step of the Chase Account Updater Process. This step should occur 10 minutes after the dispatch was completed. This call will return the list of the files in the Client’s Chase Account Updater portal. In the response there will be a file with _resp in the file name which will contain detail about the earlier dispatch file.

i.e. PID.fileID_RANDOMNUMS_resp.pgp (DispatchFileName_RandomNums_resp.pgp)

ListFiles call API Request sample:

Step 3 – Chase Account Updater Fetch Call

This is the third step of the Chase Account Updater Process. This process will make a fetch call to the file which name was returned in the list files call (Step 2).

fetch file name: PID.fileID_RANDOMNUMS_resp.pgp

Fetch call API Request sample:
sample of the fetch file (dispatch status)

This is the response file which contains information on the status of the dispatch call.

Chase Acnt Upt Fetch File

This file is same as the Dispatch file with extra details added to the record lines.

Step 4 – Chase Account Updater List Files Call

This is the Fourth step of the Chase Account Updater Process. This step should be done everyday if there are records expected to be returned. This call will return the files in the Client’s Chase Account Updater portal. Please look out for files with the todays date and card brand.

i.e. PID.MID.221220.VAU_resp.txt

The response file name breakdown

PID = Client’s Chase Account Updater PID

MID = Client’s Chase Account Updater Merchant ID

221220 = Today’s date (YYMMDD)

VAU_resp / MAU_resp = VISA Account Update file / MasterCard Account Update response file

txt = file format

ListFiles call API Request sample:

Step 5 – Chase Account Updater Fetch Call

This is the Fifth step of the Chase Account Updater Process. This process will make a fetch call to the file which name was returned in the previous list files call (Step 4).

fetch file name: PID.MID.221220.VAU_resp.txt

Fetch call API Request sample: