Network Segmentation

Earlier this month the PCI SSC released a memo referring to their network segmentation guidelines, while network segmentation is not part of PCI scope, it seems that most breaches happen from systems that were deemed not in scope, and companies were unaware that their data was even being accessed by these systems.

HostedPCI is Now on the AppExchange

HostedPCI is now on the AppExchange, making it easier for companies that use Salesforce for their CRM can reduce their PCI scope without compromising customer experience. HostedPCI offers 2 main services within the Salesforce APP, our iFrame for eCommerce companies and our IVR for call center companies.

Why Change the TLS Migration Date?

It has been known for a while that SSL/TLS had vulnerabilities, however when POODLE first became known the PCI SSC jumped quickly to release the PCI DSS version 3.1, which stated that organizations had to migrate to TLS 1.1 or higher and disable any fallback to SSL/early TLS.