JetPay Documentation

About JetPay:

JetPay has recently been acquired by NCR. Their merchant services are adaptable for all-size businesses, whether they be large or small. This may be especially a good option for new businesses looking for merchant flexibility with integrating.

Feature Level of Support
Auth Implemented
Sale (Auth+Capture) Implemented
Capture Implemented
Void Implemented
Credit Implemented
3DS 2 Passthrough Implemented

Authentication and Security Credentials:

  • Terminal ID
  • APP Version
  • APP name
  • Developer ID

Supported Parameters:

Key Name Format Mandatory Descriptions
apiVersion Numerical Required “1.0.1”
apiType Alphabetical Required “pxyhpci”
userName Alphanumeric Required API Username
userPassKey Alphanumeric Required API PassKey
pxyCreditCard.creditCardNumber Numerical Required HostedPCI Token Representing Credit Card
pxy.CreditCard.cardCodeVerification Numerical Optional HostedPCI Token Representing CVV Code
pxyCreditCard.expirationMonth Numerical Required Expiration month with 2 digits for example, for December use “12”
pxyCreditCard.expirationYear Numerical Required Expiration year with 4 digits for example, for 2025, use “2025”
pxyTransaction.txnCurISO Alphabetical Required 3 letter ISO Currency Code for example, “USD” or “CAD”
pxyTransaction.txnAmount Numerical Required Amount to Authorize, for example for $10.50 use 10.50
pxyTransaction.merchantRefId Numerical Required Merchant reference number can be order id or invoice id
pxyTransaction.txnPayName Alphanumeric Required HostedPCI payment profile name, for example “DEF”
pxyTransaction.txnComment Alphabetical Optional Short comment Alphanumeric Optional Customer’s Email Address
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.firstName Alphabetical Optional Customer’s First Name
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.lastName Alphabetical Optional Customer’s Last Name
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.phoneNumber Numerical Optional Billing Phone Number
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.address Alphanumeric Optional Customer’s Billing Address
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.address2 Alphanumeric Optional Secondary Billing Address Alphabetical Optional Customer’s Billing City
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.state Alphabetical Optional Customer’s Billing State or Province
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.zipCode Numerical Optional Customer’s Billing Zip Code or Postal Code Alphabetical Optional Customer’s Billing Country
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.firstName Alphabetical Optional Customer’s First Name
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.lastName Alphabetical Optional Customer’s Last Name
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.phoneNumber Numerical Optional Billing Phone Number
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.address Alphanumeric Optional Customer’s Billing Address
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.address2 Alphanumeric Optional Secondary Billing Address Alphabetical Optional Customer’s Billing City
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.state Alphabetical Optional Customer’s Billing State or Province
pxyCustomerInfo.shippingLocation.zipCode Numerical Optional Customer’s Billing Zip Code or Postal Code Alphabetical Optional Customer’s Billing Country

API Endpoint URL:


API Request Body:


3DS 2.0 Passthrough implementation with Cardinal Commerce

JetPay has been implemented with Cardinal Commerce for 3DS pass-through Authentication.

The parameters listed on the page are required along with the mandatory AUTH transaction parameters to make a successful 3DSecure transaction.

3DS 2.0 “Verifyenroll” Call

pxyTransaction.txnPayName [3ds payment profile name]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.actionName [verifyenroll]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.callMode reportall
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authSessionId [cruiseSessionId returned within threeDSValuesObj in hpciSiteSuccessHandlerV4 and later versions]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authOrderId [threeDSOrderId returned within threeDSValuesObj in hpciSiteSuccessHandlerV4 and later versions]
pxyCustomerInfo.browserUserAgentHeader [Browser User Agent Header]
pxyCustomerInfo.browserAcceptHeader [Browser Accept Header]

3DS 2.0 “verifyresp” Call

pxyTransaction.txnPayName [3ds payment profile name]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.actionName [verifyresp]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authSessionId [cruiseSessionId returned within threeDSValuesObj in hpciSiteSuccessHandlerV4 and later versions]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authCAVV [response from the first API call “pxyResponse.threeDSCAVV”]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authVerifyTxnId [response from the first API call “pxyResponse.threeDSXid”]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authStatus [response from the first API call “pxyResponse.threeDSPARequest”]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.protocolVersion [response from the first API call “pxyResponse.threeDSProtoVersion”]
pxyThreeDSecAuth.dirSrvTxnId 3D Secure 2.0
pxyThreeDSecAuth.authTxnId Required for 3ds 1.0
pxyThreeDSecAuth.cavvAlgorithm Required for 3ds 1.0

3DS 2.0 Verifyenroll call Request

Parameters Required for Gateway Tokenization:
pxyCreditCard.creditCardNumber [HostedPCI Token]
pxyCreditCard.cardCodeVerification [HostedPCI CVV place holder]
pxyCreditCard.expirationMonth [Credit Card expire month]
pxyCreditCard.expirationYear [Credit Card expire year]
pxyTransaction.txnPayName [Profile Name provided by HostedPCI]
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.firstName [Client’s first name as it appears on the card]
pxyCustomerInfo.billingLocation.lastName [Client’s last name as it appears on the card]